Хорек - бродяга
Сегодня я проснулся нормально, от будильника, а не от звука сирены гражданской обороны, как вчера
Шел к остановке, смотрел на розово-серое небо, 12-тиэтажку, окна которой отражают это небо и все такое... Мда... мечты, мечты, где ваша сладость? Мечты ушли - осталась гадость
Сколько раз они приходили к нам в виде белоснежного Пегаса, готового унести нас в розовые облака мечты подальше от злобных колдунов гоблинов (именно гоблинские колдуны самые отвратительные существа, потому что по ночам приползают в вашу спальню и левитируют всё, левитируют!). А нужны ли нам эти поганые твари, повелевающие картофельными демонами? Нужны ли нам их козни в виде сердитого начальника, злобной контролерши в трамвае или мерседеса, летящего на шикарную лужу рядом с нами?
Видно нужны. Иначе нам будет незачем думать о наших прекрасных мечтах, и розовые зеркала мечты мы обязательно опошлим, заляпав серой навозной грязью. Вот так. Жизнь - борьба. Борьба за прекрасные мечты и воплощение их в жизнь.
In a land, far beyond the sun
Rules the darkness, faceless magician
Black towers which raise into the sky
Castle of tears, shadows passing by
Blood is covering the mighty walls
Of those who lost their skin and bones
No one ever saw the light
Oh, slaves of the night
There's a young man, chained on a stake
Liveless body, he has no strength to break
His shirt is bloody, his head is hanging down
He's meant to die, the ruler took his crown
The wind howles through the emptiness
A different sound as in the past
Screaming echoes in the lanes
Oh, victims of the pain
The clouds passing by, a hole breaks the sky
Light refract the dark and fills the place
White winged horse, such a powerful force
Gallops through the sky to break the chains
The winged horse lands by the one
It snorts and stamps, the escape has just begun
The chains are broken, silence fills the place
He backs the horse with his last ounce of strength
The white horse rears and spreads its wings
To reach the sky and search the kings
The one will lead to win at last
Oh, rulers of the past
The clouds passing by, a hole breaks the sky
Light refract the dark and fills the place
White winged horse, such a powerful force
Gallops through the sky to free the land
The white horse rears and spreads...
The kings return, armed with mighty swords
To retake the land and banish evil thoughts
They fight against the shadows,
captured souls of the dark might
Dethrone the evil ruler to bring sun to the night
The battle takes a heavy toll
But they achieve what they're fighting for
Now the land is free again
Oh, no more blood and pain
The clouds passing by, a hole breaks the sky
Light refract the dark and fills the place
White winged horse, such a powerful force
Gallops through the sky to free the land
But still at night when darkness rules again
Whispering shadows creeping through the lanes
Evil creatures of the expelled magician
Oh, it's a fight you'll never win
...и воплощение их в жизнь... а потом снова и снова. Вот так. Не будет злого колдуна - не прилетит белая лошадь. Наше дело - выбрать
You'll never win!..
Снова и снова...
Theme: Gamma Ray "The Winged Horse"
Music: 1)Gamma Ray "The Winged Horse"
2)Urban Assault
3)Europe "Final Countdown"
4)Daze "Sea Of Love"
Mood colour: Pinky Grey
P.S. Зато нескучно
P.P.S. А экзамен завтра... Преподаватель еще настоятельно просила нас пойти в спорткомплекс на... "Отпетых мошенников" и Ткачева. Мне резко расхотелось туда идти.

Видно нужны. Иначе нам будет незачем думать о наших прекрасных мечтах, и розовые зеркала мечты мы обязательно опошлим, заляпав серой навозной грязью. Вот так. Жизнь - борьба. Борьба за прекрасные мечты и воплощение их в жизнь.
In a land, far beyond the sun
Rules the darkness, faceless magician
Black towers which raise into the sky
Castle of tears, shadows passing by
Blood is covering the mighty walls
Of those who lost their skin and bones
No one ever saw the light
Oh, slaves of the night
There's a young man, chained on a stake
Liveless body, he has no strength to break
His shirt is bloody, his head is hanging down
He's meant to die, the ruler took his crown
The wind howles through the emptiness
A different sound as in the past
Screaming echoes in the lanes
Oh, victims of the pain
The clouds passing by, a hole breaks the sky
Light refract the dark and fills the place
White winged horse, such a powerful force
Gallops through the sky to break the chains
The winged horse lands by the one
It snorts and stamps, the escape has just begun
The chains are broken, silence fills the place
He backs the horse with his last ounce of strength
The white horse rears and spreads its wings
To reach the sky and search the kings
The one will lead to win at last
Oh, rulers of the past
The clouds passing by, a hole breaks the sky
Light refract the dark and fills the place
White winged horse, such a powerful force
Gallops through the sky to free the land
The white horse rears and spreads...
The kings return, armed with mighty swords
To retake the land and banish evil thoughts
They fight against the shadows,
captured souls of the dark might
Dethrone the evil ruler to bring sun to the night
The battle takes a heavy toll
But they achieve what they're fighting for
Now the land is free again
Oh, no more blood and pain
The clouds passing by, a hole breaks the sky
Light refract the dark and fills the place
White winged horse, such a powerful force
Gallops through the sky to free the land
But still at night when darkness rules again
Whispering shadows creeping through the lanes
Evil creatures of the expelled magician
Oh, it's a fight you'll never win
...и воплощение их в жизнь... а потом снова и снова. Вот так. Не будет злого колдуна - не прилетит белая лошадь. Наше дело - выбрать

You'll never win!..
Снова и снова...
Theme: Gamma Ray "The Winged Horse"
Music: 1)Gamma Ray "The Winged Horse"
2)Urban Assault
3)Europe "Final Countdown"
4)Daze "Sea Of Love"
Mood colour: Pinky Grey
P.S. Зато нескучно
P.P.S. А экзамен завтра... Преподаватель еще настоятельно просила нас пойти в спорткомплекс на... "Отпетых мошенников" и Ткачева. Мне резко расхотелось туда идти.