Хорек - бродяга
Небольшой фанфик, написанный для конкурса истории в честь второй годовщины браузерных игр от компании Aeria. На использование артиклей я в итоге махнул рукой и не стал их толком исправлять. А вот пунктуация в прямой речи стала для меня сюрпризом...

P.S. Удивительно, но в итоге я даже получил второе место.


Let's make her our mistress!

Few moons passed since our journey began. It was one way, though we didn't know that in the start. Just on the second week of marching we were caught up with our scouts led by Friedrich. He said our homeland is burnt to ground and we have nowhere to come back. Also we didn't get in touch with our sire for a long time. My champion, Monty, thinks we were just abandoned. Great insult to me, princess of Laurel.

Today in the forest we found something mystical. Our mages said it's a portal. But they couldn't tell where will it take us to. We have nowhere to go so we decided to try this portal.

Portal took us to Pandemonium. It was what I thought first. But soon, we noticed there were living humans there. Seems, one of our heroes is missed. That stupid fairy probably got lost in mystical streams with her small troop of archers. Also mages were too slow, so we left them to march while we were rushing to a town we noticed. Quitely, we entered port town and hid ourselves in the shades of town dusk. I took Friedrich and Monty to scout this town.
We secretly invaded the biggest building at central square. Lots of doors were discovered inside. We opened one and saw hellish scenery again. Everything around had the brightest colours I've ever seen. There was a bridge there and two humans at opposite ends of it. First human was huge guy, wearing black clothes and holding something mostly similar to huge musket. Another figure was tiny, it was a girl. She was holding a case, similar to one of those our doctors usually have. Big black figure shoot and the girl was knocked down. Seems, some magic kept her from lethal wounds. In tears, the girl took a scalpel (so it really was doctor case) and threw it to black coat guy but he just laughed while easily reflecting that attack.

"This fight looks kind of unfair, doesn't it?" I've thought aloud and shuddered when felt slight breath on my ear.
"Sure, honey. And I have an interesting idea," Friedrich whispered.
"I'll kill you, Thief! Don't dare to approach Her Highness!" Monty was in great anger while I was in great confusion. Friedrich jumped off me and continued the topic:
"Don't you think we need a new sire? This black figure seems too strong, but we can persuade tiny one. If we move now and save her from being cooked with this musket."

Save her? Great idea but there are only three unarmed heroes here and no time to bring soldiers. Black figure raised his weapon and aimed. Suddenly, a woman in golden coat appeared before the girl.
"Don't cry, my dear! I am the Golden Shield, Ashley my name. I'll protect you."
Battle mages surrounded Ashley and our future sire with protection magic.
"It's unfair! I want to have a fun too!" And large troop of elves stuffed confused black coat guy with huge number of arrows. Plum fairy ArMui appeared on the battlefield.
"Sorry, I sneezed while teleporting and got to a weird land. There I found these bored elves. They said that I'm their Call of God and decided to join me. And when it happened, we were brought here by a last magic stream."
These faires are always such a pain in... Ahem! I'll slap her later. Now we have to persuade this little girl. What a joke! It was always the rule: sires have to persuade us, heroes, to lead their armies. But now we don't know how to get out of here so we have no choice.

Little girl, due to her curiousity, easily agreed to lead us. After we put golden crown on her head, our mages noticed new mystic portal. And it was unreachable to us: I will never agree to climb those horrible rocks. When we told our sire about that problem, she laughed:
"Everybody get here and link arms with your buddies." Young sire took a paper sheet and made a paper bird. She called it "Teleport Plane". She threw it towards the mystical portal and when the bird reached it, we were all together sucked into it.

Now we have a new town that Lord Bernard assigned to us. And we have new mistress, though it's a long-long way to educate her. But at least she likes our land and doesn't want to go back to her "DDTanks" (it was how she called her previous occupation) life. So I hope she will lead us to the brave new age. To the Golden Age.

P.S. There was a huge ruckus when our brand new mistress confiscated the trophy musket from Friedrich. But he secretly told me that our elite bracers already copied it...

@темы: Фанфикшн