I wonder where'd this pretty damned headache come again from? Last time such my bad state w/o any visible reasons was haunting me 4 yrs ago. Well... I could be wrong but I quess if it's not any health problem...

I wonder if it's happening due to emptiness of another yet frustration of my life. Or is it anger, ire at the entire world surrounding me. I wonder where's the my limit's point. I wonder if I could reach it one moment. What will happened then? Shall I see the "Game Over!" sign or shall I exceed this bound.

Life is not a mere stage. U'll never know what will happen next...

I don't want this feeling of mental anguish and helplessness. I can say it for sure. Now my blind ire is burning me out.

But I want to go on at one more step higher level than it's now.